Friday, January 13, 2012

Venting those PhD Emotions

You know, those frustrations that only those who are going through a PhD will get you? For students at the advanced stage of doctoral studies, the dissertation writing stage, emotions can run really high. It's no laughing matter to say that some students have suffered nervous breakdowns or depressive disorders because they don't know how to manage these emotions.

Sometimes, advanced PhD students are labeled as "negative", "crazy", "nutcase" people because they happen to talk to people who don't understand what they are going through. Well, here's a great suggestion by a guest blogger, Dr. Shari Walsh, careers counselor at Queensland University of Technology. Writing on the PhD thesis blog, The Thesis Whisperer, run by Dr. Inger Mewburn, from RMIT Melbourne, Dr. Walsh recommends holding "Whingeing Wednesdays" and having "b*^#@h buddies" to keep your sanity! Read more here...

The blog has really great tips to help you survive the lonely journey when you start to feel marginalized and alienated; you know, like you are one against the world writing about some esoteric topic? So check out the other advice too! Thank you, Dr. Mewburn and her other guest bloggers.

We want to do our part to support you too. If you would like to voice your struggles anonymously, please do so every Wednesday here at this blogpost -- just post your comments. If you have positives/successes to share, please feel free to comment here Fridays to Mondays! Or our Facebook page. Oh, by the way, please try to keep your comments reasonably short, PhD students don't want to do more reading than necessary, right?

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